
This document provides the instructions for setting up the build environment, checking out code, building, running and validating the key use cases.

Environment Setup

The following instructions have been tested on hosts running Ubuntu 20.04. Install the required packages for the build host:

Kas is a setup tool for bitbake based projects. The minimal supported version is 3.0.2, install it like so:

pip3 install --user --upgrade kas==3.0.2

For more details on kas, see

To build the recipe for the FVP_Base_AEMv8R model itself, you also need to accept the EULA 1 by setting the following environment variable:


To fetch and build the ongoing development of this software stack, follow the instructions in the below sections of this document.


The host machine should have at least 50 GBytes of free disk space for the next steps to work correctly.


Fetch the v8r64 repository into a build directory:

mkdir -p ~/fvp-baser-aemv8r64-build
cd ~/fvp-baser-aemv8r64-build
git clone -b v4.0

Build and Run

The software stack supports building and running three configurations: Baremetal Zephyr, Baremetal Linux and Virtualization, which are associated with the use cases described in Use Cases Overview. Instructions to build and run these three configurations are as below:

Baremetal Zephyr

Build and run with the baremetal Zephyr configuration:

cd ~/fvp-baser-aemv8r64-build

# Build
kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-zephyr.yml

# Output images will be located at
# build/tmp_baremetal-zephyr/deploy/images/fvp-baser-aemv8r64/

# Run
kas shell -k v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-zephyr.yml \
    -c "../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"

To finish the FVP emulation, you need to close the telnet session:

  1. Escape to telnet console with ctrl+].

  2. Run quit to close the session.

A different sample application can be selected using the Kas --target flag, e.g.:

kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-zephyr.yml \
    --target zephyr-helloworld

There are 3 supported targets zephyr-helloworld, zephyr-synchronization and zephyr-philosophers of which zephyr-synchronization is set as the default target. See the Zephyr section for more information.

Baremetal Linux

Build and run with the baremetal Linux configuration:

cd ~/fvp-baser-aemv8r64-build

# Build
kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-linux.yml

# Output images will be located at
# build/tmp_baremetal-linux/deploy/images/fvp-baser-aemv8r64/

# Run
kas shell -k v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-linux.yml \
    -c "../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"


Build and run with the virtualization configuration:

cd ~/fvp-baser-aemv8r64-build

# Build
kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/virtualization.yml

# Output images will be located at
# build/tmp_virtualization/deploy/images/fvp-baser-aemv8r64/

# Run
kas shell -k v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/virtualization.yml \
    -c "../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"

# Check guest OS in another terminals after Xen started
# Zephyr
telnet localhost 5001
# Linux (login with root with empty password)
telnet localhost 5002


When running the runfvp command with the --verbose option enabled, you will see the following output:

terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003

Among them, port 5000 is assigned to the Xen hypervisor, 5001 to the Zephyr domain, 5002 to the Linux domain, and 5003 unused. If these ports are already occupied (for example, there is already a runfvp instance running), then the port number will automatically increase by 4, that is, ports 5004 ~ 5007 will be assigned. In this case, checking the output from the Zephyr and Linux domains requires using ports 5005 and 5006:

telnet localhost 5005
telnet localhost 5006

If any port(s) in 5000 ~ 5003 is (are) used by other programs, the FVP will try to find 4 available ports starting from 5000. Be sure to check the log of runfvp (with --verbose) to determine the correct port numbers, then apply the determined port number to the telnet command.



For the Zephyr RTOS (both on baremetal and as a Xen domain), these three sample applications supported in this software stack are themselves test programs.

The steps to build and run the sample applications are described in the Build and Run section above.

After Zephyr starts, the sample application runs automatically, and you will see the following output (take zephyr-synchronization as an example):

*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.1.0  ***
Secondary CPU core 1 (MPID:0x1) is up
thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 on fvp_baser_aemv8r!
thread_b: Hello World from cpu 1 on fvp_baser_aemv8r!
thread_a: Hello World from cpu 0 on fvp_baser_aemv8r!
thread_b: Hello World from cpu 1 on fvp_baser_aemv8r!


For Zephyr running as a Xen domain, use command telnet localhost 5001 in another terminal to check the output.


For the Linux OS (both on baremetal and as a Xen domain), the software stack contains a test suite which is defined in kas configuration file meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/tests.yml. It can be included into the target build to validate Linux’s functionalities as below examples.

To build image with the test suite and run the test suite, use the following commands:

# For Linux on baremetal
# Build
kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-linux.yml:v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/tests.yml
# Run
kas shell -k v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/baremetal-linux.yml:v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/tests.yml \
    -c "../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"
# Login with root account
# Remote login using ssh in another terminal
ssh -p 8022 root@localhost
# In FVP target
root@fvp-baser-aemv8r64:~# ptest-runner basic-tests

# For Linux running as a Xen domain
# Build
kas build v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/virtualization.yml:v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/tests.yml
# Run
kas shell -k v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/virtualization.yml:v8r64/meta-armv8r64-extras/kas/tests.yml \
    -c "../layers/meta-arm/scripts/runfvp --verbose --console"
# Login with root account in another terminal
telnet localhost 5002
# login: root
# Remote login using ssh in another terminal
ssh -p 8022 root@localhost
# In FVP target
root@fvp-baser-aemv8r64:~# ptest-runner basic-tests


Similar to ports 5000 ~ 5003, if port 8022 is already occupied, it will also be automatically incremented to the next available port. Below is an example where you need to use port 8023 to execute the ssh command.

Warning: FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R: bp.virtio_net.hostbridge: Unable to bind to port '8022'
Info: FVP_BaseR_AEMv8R: bp.virtio_net.hostbridge: ...binding to port 8023 instead

An example of the running result of the test suite is as follows:

root@fvp-baser-aemv8r64:~# ptest-runner basic-tests
START: ptest-runner
BEGIN: /usr/lib/basic-tests/ptest
ok 1 physical network is present
ok 2 physical network device got ip address
ok 3 all CPU cores are up
ok 4 SMP is enabled
ok 5 SMP CPU hot plug
ok 6 removing all cores and will fail when removing the last one
END: /usr/lib/basic-tests/ptest
STOP: ptest-runner
